Falling for Evernote
[16. Sep 2011; Persönliches, Englisch]

Traditionally I have been collecting my notes in various ways, but doing so online wasn't one of them. It seemed wrong to put so much information "out there". It could either leak or just disappear.

I can't say why anymore, but two days ago I decided to give Evernote a chance. I should probably have been warned by the large number of addicts. But now it is too late anyways, I have taken the blue pill. Here is why:


Apart from the mandatory browser client they offer a wide range of additional software. It makes note taking (and often viewing) as painless as it can possibly be. Here is what I have played with so far:

  • Filing a geo-tagged picture of a nice bike spot using the Android app
  • Filing an interesting mail by forwarding it to my Evernote email address
  • Filing a web page including its contents using the Firefox plugin

It is always at my fingertips and takes little time. Chances are I will continue to use it after the first excitement has gone.


Evernote makes money only from its large group of paying customers. They will do all they can to make me believe my notes are well protected. The best approach for this to work in the long run is to actually protect the notes.

All-in-all it provides so much convenience and makes the risks seem so low. Ignorance is bliss.
